Not quite the same drunken debauchery as last year. I left early, having "run out of fun", and couldn't quite recall whether I'd had a really good time or not. And then I looked at the photos...

 Conor sporting a fancy new hair accessory
 Still Life With Ashtray
 Grr! Camera!
 Pint's-eye view
 Happy Couple!
 Joe prays for more beer
 Waider, about to burst.
 Joe phones for more beer!
 Pat loses a nipple
 Diarmuid, smug.
 Pat, smug. No dress this year.
 Diarmuid and Waider attempt some sort of gymnastics.
 Pat tries the hair accessory thing.
 Diarmuid having a good sconce.
 Twist & Shout?
 Hmm, okay. So I did have fun.
 Does that girl have to be in EVERY photo?
 Megan and JoeV...
 This was NOT done by an engineer.
 ...although several contributed...
 ...some merely with their evil gaze.
 "If that's on, I'm going to kill you."
 JoeV and friend.
 The Gang, New Year 2001.
